Welcome to the French Community of Mother Seton Parish!
We are delighted to invite you to join our dynamic and welcoming group, where faith, community, and sharing are at the heart of our activities.
Every Sunday at 12:15 PM, we celebrate Mass in French, offering a time of prayer and communion for Francophones in our area. In addition to our Sunday Masses, we offer a diverse range of events and activities throughout the year. From spiritual retreats to the Gala of Love and including prayer and service groups such as the choir, Women to the image of God (FID) group, and the Legion of Mary, there is always something to discover and share within the community.
If you are francophone, please come join us.
Feel free to contact us at 240-844-1619 ! .
Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir et de partager ensemble notre foi et notre amitié.