The Mother Seton Quilting Angels’ ministry offers a variety of ways to volunteer.
The MSP Quilting Angels, formed nearly 2 decades ago by parishioners, meets on scheduled Saturdays in the Parish Center, providing the tools and materials necessary to create quilts for the suffering.
Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends; provides an opportunity to create a positive impact on the needs of others, acquire new skills and as well as build upon ones you have already developed.
Through a combined effort of fundraising and personal giving, the MSP Quilting Angels have created, donated, and awarded over 4600 Quilts for Kids® and Quilts of Valor ® having an estimated value of nearly one million dollars.
The Quilting Angels regularly support the following with quilts:
– Rockville Pregnancy Center
– Children’s National Hospital
– Frederick Memorial Hospital Pediatric Unit
– Howard General Hospital Pediatric Unit
– St. Jude Research Hospital
– Cool Kids Campaign Foundation Inc.
– Quilts for Kids
– Quilts of Valor
– Homes for Our Troops
If you would like to join the Quilting Angels ministry or have any questions, please contact us by email at – wecare@mspquiltingangels.org