
Celebrating 50 years!

Mass Schedule
Saturday 9:00 AM | 5:00 PM (English) | 7:00 PM (Spanish) Sundays 7:30 AM | 9:00 AM | 10:45 AM | 12:30PM | 5:00PM French Sunday Mass 12:15 PM (No French Mass the 5th Sundays of the month) in Parish Center Vietnamese Mass: (Starting 2025) 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 2:00PM Monday - Friday 6:30 AM | 9:00AM (English) Christmas Eve (December 24) 4PM | 6PM | 8PM (Spanish) | 10PM Christmas Day (December 25) 8AM |10AM | 12noon | 2PM (French)
Tuesday 6:00 to 7:00 PM (English & Spanish) Saturday 12:00 to 1:00 PM (English) Saturday 6:30 - 7PM (Spanish)
Tuesdays 6PM - 9PM
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"Do what we can and God will do the rest. What seems so impossible to nature is quite easy to grace". St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Parish News

Breakfast with Santa

Join the Knights of Columbus and the Young Family Ministry for the 3rd annual Breakfast with Santa on Saturday December 21st from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm. There will be…

The Search – Thursdays 7pm

Join us for a weekly discussion following watching Formed series The Search with fellow parishioners. This is a beautiful and provocative presentation dealing with questions such as: What is this…

Young Family Ministry

Join other young families for fellowship and fun every month on the Third Sunday after the 10:45 am Mass. They meet in the JPII Room or if the weather is…

Photos from African Day

Thank you all the members of the Africa Union 55 committee who worked so long and hard on bringing about the glorious day we had last weekend. Their celebration was for all…

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