Through Death to Life

“This is the will of my Father, says the Lord, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.” (John 6:40)

It is natural that at the time of death we turn to the Church. She, in her motherly care, embraces us and leads us to the One who gives us hope. The Church provides certain liturgical rites to embrace us in our grief and to enliven our hope in eternal life.

Many of us are not familiar with the steps to take. Here we give some guidance. Of course please call us directly (301-924-3838) and we can help.

When someone I love has died where do I start?

The first step is securing a funeral director who will help you. There are three Catholic Funeral Homes/Services in Montgomery County: DeVols (Gaithersburg), Collins (Silver Spring), and Cole Funeral Services (Aspen Hill).

In Upper Montgomery County there are also very fine, non-denominational firms such as Pumphrey’s (Rockville), Thibadeau (Gaithersburg) and others. All are very fine and are familiar with Catholic funerals.

You, or the funeral director, will call Mother Seton to confirm a date for the funeral. Normally funerals are scheduled for the late morning with burial to follow. Weekdays are preferable. Saturdays are often desirable for families, but because of our busy parish, we may not be able to accommodate that request. Funerals do not take place on Sundays.

We will contact you to schedule a meeting to help you with planning the Mass such as choosing Scripture readings, and music.

Often a family plans for a viewing or wake prior to the funeral mass. This can be done the day/evening before or an hour before the mass.

The funeral director will assist with plans for burial. We (priest or deacon) accompany the family to say Interment prayers at the graveside.
If our schedule allows, we are also able to assist in a reception following the funeral and burial in our Parish Center.

Is Cremation permitted?

Yes. The remains are also brought to the church for the mass and must be respectfully interred in sacred ground (cemetery). This does not need to take place immediately after the Mass. However, a decision should be made concerning the resting place for the ashes until interment. Local and State laws prohibit ashes being distributed freely outdoors.

I want to plan for my own funeral. What do I need to do?

Simply call us and schedule an appointment to meet with one of the priests or our music director and we will gladly assist you.

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