Part Time Organist
Mother Seton Parish in Germantown, MD is seeking a part-time organist to assist with choir
rehearsals and weekend Masses. This person will be the primary accompanist for the Sunday
10:45 am Choir Mass and will also be scheduled for one or more additional masses with a cantor
each weekend. Interested parties should submit a cover letter, resume and references to the
Director of Music, Amy Massey ( Questions about the position
and the music ministry at Mother Seton Parish may also be directed to Amy Massey.
The position is part-time and is paid by service/call. Compensation commensurate with
experience and organ proficiency. Position will remain open until filled.
Minimum of bachelor’s degree in music or equivalent experience in organ or piano
Working knowledge of the Roman Catholic Liturgy
Strong sight-reading skills
Ability to work well and collaboratively with others.
Also open to hiring an excellent pianist with beginner organ skills who is willing to take
lessons and desires to grow in their organ playing.
Available to play weekend Masses, (Sunday at 10:45 am and a minimum of one
additional weekend Mass).
Available for Holy Days of Obligation, Ash Wednesday, Christmas Eve and Day and the
entire Holy Week and Sacred Paschal Triduum.
Arrive 30 minutes before each Mass to rehearse with the cantor and 40 minutes before
Mass to warm-up with the choir.
Serve as rehearsal accompanist on Wednesday evenings for the English Choir, 7:30pm –
Maintain a regular practice schedule to prepare music for assigned Masses.
If desired, there are opportunities for more work with other choirs in the parish and
additional Masses outside of the required responsibilities.
Mother Seton Catholic Church in Germantown, MD, is seeking a pianist to assist with youth
choir rehearsals and monthly Masses. This person will be the primary accompanist for the parish
youth choir. Interested parties should submit a resume and references to the Director of Music,
Amy Massey ( Questions about the position and the music
ministry at Mother Seton Parish may also be directed to Amy Massey.
The position is part-time and is paid by service/call. Compensation commensurate with
experience and piano proficiency. Position will remain open until filled.
Minimum of bachelor’s degree in music or equivalent experience in piano performance
or a current college music major studying piano.
Working knowledge of the Roman Catholic Liturgy
Strong sight-reading skills
Ability to work well and collaboratively with others.
Also open to hiring an excellent pianist who is new to accompanying and/or playing for
the Roman Catholic Liturgy and desires to grow and learn.
Serve as rehearsal accompanist on Tuesday Evenings 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Available for Christmas Eve, 4pm Mass.
Available once a month for Sunday 9am Mass, normally the 2 nd Sunday of the Month.
Full youth choir schedule TBD
Available for First Communion Masses, First Saturday in May
Arrive 45 minutes before each Mass to warm up and rehearse with the youth choir.
Maintain a regular practice schedule to prepare music for assigned Masses.
Acquire VIRTUS (Catholic child protection program) certification.
If desired, there are opportunities for more accompanying work and additional Masses
outside of the required responsibilities.