Part Time Organist

Mother Seton Parish in Germantown, MD is seeking a part-time organist to assist with choir
rehearsals and weekend Masses. This person will be the primary accompanist for the Sunday
10:45 am Choir Mass and will also be scheduled for one or more additional masses with a cantor
each weekend. Interested parties should submit a cover letter, resume and references to the
Director of Music, Amy Massey ( Questions about the position
and the music ministry at Mother Seton Parish may also be directed to Amy Massey.
The position is part-time and is paid by service/call. Compensation commensurate with
experience and organ proficiency. Position will remain open until filled.

 Minimum of bachelor’s degree in music or equivalent experience in organ or piano
 Working knowledge of the Roman Catholic Liturgy
 Strong sight-reading skills
 Ability to work well and collaboratively with others.
 Also open to hiring an excellent pianist with beginner organ skills who is willing to take
lessons and desires to grow in their organ playing.

 Available to play weekend Masses, (Sunday at 10:45 am and a minimum of one
additional weekend Mass).
 Available for Holy Days of Obligation, Ash Wednesday, Christmas Eve and Day and the
entire Holy Week and Sacred Paschal Triduum.
 Arrive 30 minutes before each Mass to rehearse with the cantor and 40 minutes before
Mass to warm-up with the choir.
 Serve as rehearsal accompanist on Wednesday evenings for the English Choir, 7:30pm –
 Maintain a regular practice schedule to prepare music for assigned Masses.
 If desired, there are opportunities for more work with other choirs in the parish and
additional Masses outside of the required responsibilities.


Mother Seton Catholic Church in Germantown, MD, is seeking a pianist to assist with youth
choir rehearsals and monthly Masses. This person will be the primary accompanist for the parish
youth choir. Interested parties should submit a resume and references to the Director of Music,
Amy Massey ( Questions about the position and the music
ministry at Mother Seton Parish may also be directed to Amy Massey.
The position is part-time and is paid by service/call. Compensation commensurate with
experience and piano proficiency. Position will remain open until filled.

 Minimum of bachelor’s degree in music or equivalent experience in piano performance
or a current college music major studying piano.
 Working knowledge of the Roman Catholic Liturgy
 Strong sight-reading skills
 Ability to work well and collaboratively with others.
 Also open to hiring an excellent pianist who is new to accompanying and/or playing for
the Roman Catholic Liturgy and desires to grow and learn.

 Serve as rehearsal accompanist on Tuesday Evenings 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
 Available for Christmas Eve, 4pm Mass.
 Available once a month for Sunday 9am Mass, normally the 2 nd Sunday of the Month.
Full youth choir schedule TBD
 Available for First Communion Masses, First Saturday in May
 Arrive 45 minutes before each Mass to warm up and rehearse with the youth choir.
 Maintain a regular practice schedule to prepare music for assigned Masses.
 Acquire VIRTUS (Catholic child protection program) certification.
 If desired, there are opportunities for more accompanying work and additional Masses
outside of the required responsibilities.

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