Pre-K Faith Formation

Allelu! from Our Sunday Visitor

About the Program

What is our Pre-K program? A Christ-Centered, Child-Focused early childhood program that uses multisensory, age-appropriate material to teach young children about our Catholic faith, help form their moral lives, standards, and values, and give them the words and tools they need to talk about God.

Our Goal: To nurture young children’s natural tendency to seek a relationship with God, reinforce a strong sense of community and love, and connect our young families to our faith formation community.

When we meet: Will start virtual and will reevaluate in January. Weekly parent/child home content will be provided. Office hours available on zoom weekly for parent questions/guidance.

 For more detailed information click here

How to Register: Registrations will open soon

Got a question? Contact:
Mary Beth DeLuzio
RN, FCN Parish Nurse and Coordinator of Religious Education (K-6, RCIC, and Adaptive Needs)
301-924-3838 ext. 234

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Contact Mary Beth DeLuzio
301-924-3838 ext. 234