Becoming Catholic – RCIA

Mother Seton’s Rite of Christian Initiation strives to educate the mind and heart through authentic instruction and lived experience. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton herself was a convert to the full life of the Church.

If you are interested in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church, Becoming Catholic is meant for you. These sessions are for adults who are not baptized or who are coming from another faith. It is also for Catholics who want to celebrate the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation or those seeking a faith renewal.

The RCIA meetings will be on Wednesdays, beginning Wednesday, September 11 from 8PM to 9:30PM downstairs in St Paul’s room.  Anyone who needs to complete their Sacraments is welcome. Please contact Dcn Raul for details.

For more information please email Deacon Raul at, or fill out the RCIA Inquiry Form below or download HERE

RCIA Inquiry Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • City, State, and Country (if not USA)
  • I. Contact Information

  • Include Parish and City
  • II. Religious History

  • If you answered yes above please fill out the following 5 questions

  • III. Current Marital Status

  • If engaged, please answer the following questions

  • If married please answer the following questions

  • IV. Family Information

  • List name, their relationship to you and age

Recorded Talks

1. Introduction to Kerygma
2. Overview of The Mass

3. Kerygma Part Two

4. Kerygma Part Three
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