Mother Seton parishioners reach out to others through the very practical work of feeding the hungry brothers and sisters in our midst, clothing those who are in need, and providing other sustenance and care.

Stephen Ministry: Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations that use the Stephen Series system.

Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Join us in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic organization meeting the needs of the poor and disadvantaged through charity and prayer. We ask you to consider joining this worthy association here at Mother Seton Parish.

For more information please call 301-944-0451.

The Giving Tree: Each year, the Sodality works with Social Concerns to coordinate the collection of gifts for the needy in Montgomery County. The Giving Tree containing more than 1,000 cards with gift suggestions will go up in the church in November. Parishioners are asked to return the gifts the 2nd weekend of December. The Sodality also collects gifts for the retired Sisters of Charity in Emmitsburg. The Sodality welcomes all members of the Parish to join us as we celebrate Christmas with the Sisters the weekend before Christmas. 

For more information on the Sodality, please contact Pauline Fletemeyer at 

Alternative Christmas:  Each year, this program gives us an opportunity to reclaim the true meaning of Christmas. Instead of spending time and too much money buying things for loved ones who already have everything, we can give gifts of sharing to those Who have little or nothing in honor of our loved ones. We can find the Christ child in those around us who are in need and can celebrate His birth by supporting our local service agencies in their mission of comfort and healing.

Communion Calls: If you know someone who is sick or homebound, and would like Holy Communion, please contact , Our committee can make a visit and bring Holy Communion.

Community Volunteer Opportunities:

The Lord’s Table Soup Kitchen: Our volunteers prepare and serve a three-course meal to the needy in out community on the fourth Thursday of each month, September through May.

Germantown HELP: Is our emergency food organization, which also provides assistance with prescriptions and diapers to local residents on an as-needed basis. 

Meals on Wheels: Volunteers serve the homebound by bringing them nutritious prepared meals Monday through Friday. 

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