Local Resources | Recursos en el Area

Montgomery County 24 Hour Crisis Center
The Crisis center provides crisis services 24 hours a day/365 days a year (crisis situations such as homelessness, abuse, neglect and violence)
Este centro de crisis está abierta día y noche, 24 al día por 365 días al año (Crisis de no tener techo, abuso, abandono y violencia)
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Lunes a Viernes 9am-5pm
Germantown Health and Human Services,
12900 Middlebrook Lane, Germantown, MD
After 5pm and weekends
Después de las 5pm y fines de semana
Montgomery County Crisis Center
1301 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD
Meals on Wheels | Food Stamps
Housing | Alojamiento
Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC)
Comisión de Oportunidades de Alojamiento
Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County is a Public Housing Agency in Kensington, Maryland that participates in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), and Public Housing programs.
Contact: 240-627-9400
Senior Housing for Low-Income Residents
For seniors who have modest incomes, paying for housing- whether a home they own, a rental, or a room in a facility that provides additional senior care assistance- can feel nearly impossible. Find out if you are able to qualify .
Food | Comida
If you or someone you know is in need of acquiring enough food, contact any of the local food pantries.
Germantown HELP – 301-482-1320
Gaithersburg HELP – 301-216-2510
Food Stamps – 240-777-3420
St. Martin’s Church | Iglesia Catolica San Martin Gaithersburg – 301-990-3203
Meals on Wheels – 301-706-0262
Parishes give food donations to the Silver Spring Catholic Charities food pantry.
Parishes collecting food during April are invited to contact Teresa.Villanueva@CC-DC.org if your parish has extra food items and would like to make a donation to the Catholic Charities food pantry in Silver Spring. The pantry serves more than 100 families a week.
Seeking Help for Domestic Abuse | Buscando ayuda para el abuso doméstico
Parish Partners is providing emergency assistance to families suffering domestic abuse, helping to pay emergency rent or utility bills and connecting them to domestic violence agencies that do safety planning and counseling
Calling the national domestic violence hotline number, 1-800-799-7233, is also a resource for agencies that can help provide plans for safety, shelter and counseling services. Those who are deaf or hard of hearing can call 1-800-787-3224.
Taxes and Financial Assistance
IRS plans to send CASH PAYMENTS in the next 3 weeks. Action is needed by parishioners who didn’t file a return.
Catholic Charities Financial Services Network is helping parishioners qualify to receive government assistance in the coming weeks. Many parish families will receive federal financial payments and no action is needed by most people at this time. Importantly however, the following groups of people do NEED TO TAKE ACTION:
1. The IRS urges anyone with a tax filing obligation who has not filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019 to file as soon as they can to receive a cash payment.
2. People who typically do not file a tax return (e.g., low income taxpayers) will need to file a simple informational return to receive a cash payment. [Social Security recipients do not need to file an informational return.]
The Financial Stability Network can assist these two groups of people.
Contact: Catholic Charities’ Virtual VITA Program: ccvirtualvita@gmail.com.
NOTE: “Eligible” individuals and their children are required to have a Social Security Number. Sadly, taxpayers with ITINs are not eligible for the cash payments.
Emergency Assistance Relief Payment
Emergency financial assistance will soon be available for Montgomery County residents through the new Emergency Assistance Relief Payment program.
Families with incomes less than 50% of the federal poverty level* who are not eligible for Federal COVID-19 stimulus checks or State benefits will begin receiving a one-time emergency assistance check from the County early next week.
Eligible families will receive $1,000 for a family with one child (plus $150 for each additional child up to a maximum of $1,450 per family) early next week.
Approximately $2.5 million will be given out to residents by the County’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and another $2.5 million will be intended for individuals and families served by nonprofit organizations in the community.
Stimulus Checks
Catholic Charities launches program to help parish families get their stimulus checks.
As you know, many individuals and families (with Social Security Numbers) are receiving sizable cash payments from the IRS. The IRS cash payments are part of the Government’s $2 Trillion economic stimulus legislation. Sadly, there are many individuals and families who will not be receiving these cash payments. Why? The reason is that the IRS has no way of knowing that individuals and families with low/no income exist. Individuals with income less than $12,200/year ($24,400 for married couples) do not need to file an income tax return. Thus, the IRS does not have a mailing address or a bank account to send these cash payments.
SNAP Benefits Increasing for Vulnerable Families.
Both DC and Maryland have received approved from the US Dept of Agriculture to provide additional funds to families through SNAP benefits. As a result, Maryland will receive more than $33 million per month in additional SNAP benefits for the months of April and May. 34,000 DC vulnerable household will receive more than $10 million. Increases will be seen for families not already receiving the maximum amount allowed for their family size.
Senior Call Back
Maryland is the first state in the country to start a free, opt-in, telephonic service to check on Maryland’s older residents, all across the state. MD Residents +65 can register for free.
Coronavirus (COVID–19) Resources |
Recursos para el Coronavirus (Covid 19)

For an immediate, life-threatening emergency, call 911. For all other health concerns, call 211.
En casos de emergencia inmediata y peligro de muerte, llamen al 911. Por todas las otras preocupaciones referente al virus, llamen al 211
CDC | Centro del Coronavius – 800-232-4636
Know how to protect yourself from the Coronavirus and what to do if you get sick.
Maryland Department of Health | Departamento de Salud de Maryland – 410-767-6500
The State of Maryland latest updates and resources on state mandates and social distancing. View how COVID-19 is affecting the state.
Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services | Departamento de Salud y Servicios Sociales de Montgomery County 240-777-0311
The latest updates and resources in Montgomery County. View the areas most affected by COVID-19
Travel Information | Information de viajes
The CDC’s travel restrictions, travel health notices for each country, information on traveling internationally, traveling within the United States, travelers returning to the United States, travelers prohibited from re-entry in the United States.
Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities | Prevenir la propagación del Covid-19 en las comunidades
Resources to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in community locations and work spaces. The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America.
Higher Risk & Special Populations | Poblaciones mas al riesgo
Resources for populations who need to take extra precautions to protect themselves and those around them. Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
Healthcare Professionals | Profesionales de Salud
Steps healthcare providers are sharing with patients to help control infection, limit exposure to providers and provide proper care for all health needs. Additional guidance for first responders, pharmacists, and dentists.
Resources for Healthcare Facilities | Recursos para Facultades de Salud
Resources for Health Departments | Recursos para Departamentos de Salud
This page includes information and resources about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) for state, local, territorial and tribal health departments.
Use of Cloth Face Coverings to
Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 |
Uso de revestimientos faciales de tela para Ayuda a disminuir la propagación de COVID-19
CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. Read More…