2019-2020 Faith Formation Calendars
My Child Is In Preschool

Register your son or daughter for our Pre-K Program!
Our Pre-K class meets twice a month during the 9 am mass on Sunday. *your child must be potty-trained to attend
Click Here to print out English Registration Form. Click Here for Spanish Registration Form.
My Child Needs an Adaptive Learning Program
Register your son or daughter for our Adaptive Needs Program!

Our Adaptive Needs classes meet on the first and third Saturday of the month from 9-10 am. We accept students 5 years old and up.
What is Adaptive Needs? Adaptive Needs is a program for children with autism, ADHD, hearing impairment, vision impairment or any other developmental delays that require a calm, quiet, less-distracting class atmosphere. The program uses one-on-one and/or small-group, hands-on learning with multi-sensory materials. Click here for more about our program.
If you have questions about whether or not this program is the right fit for your son or daughter, call our Faith Formation office at 301-444-3496 and ask to speak to Mary Beth DeLuzio.
Click Here to print out English Registration Form. Click Here for Spanish Registration Form.
When registering: be sure to fill out the Adaptive Needs Registration attachment form.
My Child Is In Kindergarten Through 2nd Grade
Register your son or daughter for our Family Formation Program!

Family Formation meets once a month on either Sunday or Monday (choose when you register) and one-hour each week in your home.
What is Family Formation? Family Formation has two components, the on-site monthly meeting, and the at-home lessons. Once a month, students come for an hour and 45-minute class. Parents also attend during this time for their own catechetical content and preparation for leading three at-home lessons in the weeks leading up to the next class. Each at-home lesson is about one hour and can be done around your family’s schedule or done together with other families. You can read more about the Family Formation program we are using here.
Click Here to print out English Registration Form. Click Here for Spanish Registration Form.
When registering: Don’t forget to indicate whether you want to be registered for the Sunday or the Monday once-a-month classes.
My Child Is In 3rd Through 6th Grade
If your child needs to be baptized and/or has not yet received First Communion
Register your son or daughter for our RCIC Program. If your son or daughter just completed Year 1 of RCIC, register him/her for RCIC Year 2, but he/she will attend our Family Formation program.

What is RCIC? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Adapted for Children, or as we refer to it, RCIC is a program developed to help introduce the faith to our students who are entering into formation later than the 2nd grade. The goal of the program is to give the students a context of basic knowledge about their faith while preparing them to receive the sacraments they may have missed by entering into formation later. RCIC is a two-year program. The first year students participate in a Faith Foundations Class which meets on Monday evenings, and families are also integrated into our Family Formation program (more details about this on our RCIC page.) The second year of prep they participate in our other age-specific programs which we supplement with sacramental preparation in anticipation of students receiving their sacraments at the end of that school year. Click Here to read more on our RCIC page.
Click Here to print out English Registration Form. Click Here for Spanish Registration Form.
If your child is already baptized and has received First Communion
Register your son or daughter for Family Formation Program!
What is Family Formation? Family Formation has two components, the on-site monthly meeting, and the at-home lessons. Once a month, students come for an hour and 45-minute class. Parents also attend during this time for their own catechetical content and preparation for leading three at-home lessons in the weeks leading up to the next class. Each at-home lesson is about one hour and can be done around your family’s schedule or done together with other families. You can read more about the Family Formation program we are using by clicking here.
Click Here to print out English Registration Form. Click Here for Spanish Registration Form.
When registering: Don’t forget to indicate whether you want to be registered for the Sunday or the Monday once-a-month classes.
My Teen Is In 7th or 8th Grade
If your teen needs to be baptized and/or has not yet received First Communion
Register your son or daughter for our RCIC Program. If your son or daughter just completed Year 1 of RCIC, register him/her for RCIC Year 2 but for classes he/she will attend our Middle School Program (see below.)
What is RCIC? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Adapted for Children, or as we refer to it, RCIC is a program developed to help introduce the faith to our students who are entering into formation later than the 2nd grade. The goal of the program is to give the students a context of basic knowledge about their faith while preparing them to receive the sacraments they have missed. RCIC is a two-year program. The first year students participate in a Faith Foundations Class which meets on Monday evenings, and families are also integrated into our Family Formation program (more details about this on our RCIC page.) The second year of prep they participate in our other age-specific programs which we supplement with sacramental preparation in anticipation of students receiving their sacraments at the end of that school year. Click Here to read more on our RCIC page.
Click Here to print out English Registration Form. Click Here for Spanish Registration Form.
When registering: be sure to indicate Year 1 or Year 2.
If your teen is already baptized and has received First Communion
Register your son or daughter for our Middle School Program!
Our Middle School Program is a 2-Year Confirmation Prep program and meets twice a month on Wednesday night
7th grade: Wednesday evenings from 6:45-8:30pm
8th grade: Wednesday evenings from 5:45-7:30pm
What is our Middle School Program? Our Middle School Program, Purpose, is two years of Confirmation preparation with a youth ministry twist. The Wednesday night gatherings begin with time in a large group setting where teens are strengthened in community through games and activities and are given a talk on the main lesson for the night. After large group, teens head next door to the McCabe Center for their small group time—a combination of sharing in life together and unpacking the message they just heard with a focus on connecting it to their everyday life as Catholic teens. In addition to attending on Wednesdays, students in our Confirmation prep program must complete various expectations throughout the year to help them prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. Visit our Middle School page to learn more about the program and its requirements.
Click Here to print out English Registration Form. Click Here for Spanish Registration Form.
My Teen Is In High School
Does your teen still need to receive Baptism, First Communion, and/or Confirmation?
Register your son or daughter for our RCIC Program. If your son or daughter just completed Year 1 of RCIC, register him/her for RCIC Year 2, he or she will participate in our high school online program and youth ministry (see below.)
What is RCIC? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Adapted for Children, or as we refer to it, RCIC is a program developed to help introduce the faith to our students who are entering into formation later than the 2nd grade. The goal of the program is to give the students a context of basic knowledge about their faith while preparing them to receive the sacraments they have missed. RCIC is a two-year program. The first year students participate in a Faith Foundations Class which meets on Monday evenings, and families are also integrated into our Family Formation program (more details about this on our RCIC page.) The second year of prep they participate in our other age-specific programs which we supplement with sacramental preparation in anticipation of students receiving their sacraments at the end of that school year. Click Here to read more on our RCIC page.
What happens in Year 2 for High Schoolers? Our Year 2 High School students will be receiving sacraments at the end of this school year. During the year there are three main components of their preparation. One is an online course that is focused on their faith knowledge and application to their everyday lives, to be completed on their own time but in pace with our curriculum. The second component is participation in our High School Youth Group, a community of teens who meet every Sunday night from 6-8pm. The third component is quarterly one-on-one mentoring sessions with our ministry team members to discuss their journey and unpack any questions they have about living out the faith as Catholic teenagers.
Click Here to print out English Registration Form. Click Here for Spanish Registration Form.
When registering: be sure to indicate Year 1 or Year 2.