Where can I watch Masses online?

Archbishop Gregory has also issued a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass during this time to all parishioners of the Archdiocese of Washington. 
We invite to watch our live streamed Masses on our YouTube Channel (Sundays and Holy Days, Triduum) and Facebook Page (Daily and weekend)

You can also watch the ADW Sunday Mass online at adw.org/tvmass.

How can I contribute financially?

Thank you for your continued support to the parish. You can continue to make your contributions to Faith Direct.

How do I sign up for Fr. Lee’s flocknote updates?

We will communicate via Flocknote, our FaceBook page, our website , and our Parish App throughout this crisis.

Estimados parroquianos y amigos sean todos bendecidos,

¡Cristo ha resucitado, aleluya!
Durante esta pandemia, espero que nuestra fe a Nuestro Señor nos llene de esperanza y fortaleza. Estamos enfrentando muchas dificultades a diario y quizás hay muchos miedos y ansiedades. ¡No están solos! Hebreos 2:14-15 nos ayuda: “Puesto que esos hijos son de carne y sangre, Jesús también experimentó esta misma condición y, al morir, le quitó su poder al que reinaba por medio de la muerte, es decir, al diablo. De este modo liberó a los hombres que, por miedo a la muerte, permanecían esclavos en todos los aspectos de su vida.”

Estas últimas semanas nuestras misas han sido transmitidas virtual a las 5pm diariamente y 11:30am el Domingo. Me alegro de ver que muchos de ustedes han participado virtualmente. Pronto podremos celebrar las misas juntos.

Mientras tanto, les pido que se protejan lo más posible, para mantener a su familia sano y a salvo. Si usted o alguien que usted conozca necesita ayuda, por favor visite https://mothersetonparish.org/covid-19- resources/ para obtener ciertos recursos que le puedan ayudar. También puede llamar a nuestra oficina y hablar con la secretaria, Ruth Chavez, (301) 924-3838, Ext. 211, o conmigo, Padre Phil (301) 924-3838, Ext. 203 y le facilitaremos estos recursos.

Si desea recibir comunicaciones en español, por favor inscríbase con FLOCKNOTE. Flocknote es un servicio gratuito que utiliza textos y correos electrónicos para recibir comunicaciones del personal y ministerios de Mother Seton. Flocknote no requiere que usted descargue nada a su teléfono. Envíe “MSP” por texto al 84576.

Que Dios los bendiga.

En Cristo,
Padre Phil

Aquí les comparto la Comunión Espiritual, en especialmente en este tiempo de Coronavirus

Comunión Espiritual de San Alfonso María de Ligorio Creo,

Jesús mío, que estás real y verdaderamente en el cielo y en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar. Os amo sobre todas las cosas y deseo vivamente recibirte dentro de mi alma, pero no pudiendo hacerlo ahora sacramentalmente, venid al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón. Y como si ya os hubiese recibido, os abrazo y me uno del todo a Ti. Señor, no permitas que jamás me aparte de Ti. Amén



March 13, 2020
6:35 pm

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Last night, Archbishop Gregory made the difficult decision to close all Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Washington from March 16 to March 27 and to cancel all public Masses in the Archdiocese, effective March 14, until further notice, while dispensing the faithful from their Sunday obligation.

This decision was not an easy decision.  Archbishop Gregory recognizes his obligation to ensure the health of the faithful, both spiritual and physical. By implementing effective social distancing measures the archdiocese supports the common good of all citizens and prioritizes the dignity of every human life, especially those most vulnerable at this time. We know that many Catholic faithful are saddened or upset by the decision to cancel Masses. We ask for your public support and fervent prayer, especially on behalf of the sick and dying. The decisions of the Archdiocese are based on the recommendations from local public health professionals and by legal requirements from the local governments. The decisions will continue to be assessed and reevaluated based on both public health officials and local government restrictions and guidelines. We are continually monitoring the situation and will communicate any updates.

Our hope is that this restriction of the public celebration of the Mass will be for a very limited period. For the time being, it is necessary to keep in mind the common good of public health and the importance of doing our part in preventing the spread of the coronavirus by avoiding large gatherings.

As Catholics, caring for our spiritual and sacramental lives is paramount. Therefore, the Archdiocese is providing the following pastoral guidance and resources for your use:  The Archdiocesan website has a page with informational resources on coronavirus: https://adw.org/coronavirus/.  

At the pastor’s discretion, churches may remain open for personal prayer.  Please follow all protocols recommended by health professionals about maintaining safe interpersonal distance.

The Archdiocesan website has resources on how to receive spiritual communion: https://adw.org/coronavirus-dispensation-and-prayers/

Take time to read and reflect upon the readings from Sunday Mass. You can find the readings at usccb.org and a Sunday Gospel reflection on our YouTube channel

The Archdiocesan website has audio and written Stations of the Cross: https://adw.org/coronavirus-dispensation-and-prayers/.

Our archdiocesan Sunday TV Mass is available online:  https://adw.org/parishes-masses/sunday-tv-mass/.

Here is a prayer by Pope Francis to Mary during the coronavirus pandemic: https://adw.org/text-of-popes-prayer-to-mary-during-coronavirus-pandemic/.

Pastoral care to the sick will continue incorporating protocols recommended by health professionals.

The Archdiocese will continue to make additional spiritual and informational resources available and provide regular updates on our website.  Please know of Archbishop Gregory’s prayers and love for you.

In Christ,

Reverend Daniel B. Carson

Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia

March 12, 2020
8:45 PM

Dear Brother Priest,

In the interest of public health and safety, local governments have issued restrictions on certain activities in response to the coronavirus. Most recently this afternoon, Governor Hogan announced that all public schools in the State of Maryland will be closed from March 16 through March 27. As a result of this order, Archbishop Gregory has indicated that all Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Washington will be closed during this same time frame of March 16 through March 27. Mr. William Ryan, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, will be forwarding additional information on this school closure to principals, pastors with schools and parents later this evening.

Additionally, the State of Maryland has ordered that no public gatherings in excess of 250 people may be held until further notice. As a result of this order, Archbishop Gregory has indicated Masses open to the public, in ALL archdiocesan parishes, missions, and campus ministries will not be celebrated starting this Saturday, March 14th until further notice. Weddings and funerals may proceed but attendance should be limited to immediate family.

Archbishop Gregory has also issued a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass during this time to all parishioners of the Archdiocese of Washington. 

We will issue an Emergency Preparedness document with the latest guidance and information to you on Friday, March 13. It will include guidance on how to proceed in view of the impact of the current situation on parish and archdiocese day-to-day operations.We realize this is a significant disruption to our carrying out the mission of the Church. We hope these changes are for a very limited period of time. Let us remember to keep each other — and all those impacted – close in prayer during these challenging moments.

With prayers and gratitude for your priestly ministry, I am

Reverend Daniel B. CarsonVicar General and Moderator of the Curia
March 12 , 2020
12:11 PM

Dear Mother Seton Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Families,
Until further notice, all gatherings, meetings, and classes at Mother Seton Parish are cancelled beginning today, March 12th. This includes the upcoming Confirmation Retreat (3/20-22) and our High School Youth Ministry Retreat (3/27-29).  

At this time, we will be continuing to celebrate daily and weekend Masses. We will follow recommendations from the Archdiocese of Washington and will communicate any changes via email, our FaceBook page, our website www.mothersetonparish.org, and MyParishApp throughout this crisis.

Anyone who is ill, suspects he or she is ill, or is considered vulnerable (people 60+ years of age or people with chronic illness, immune system deficiencies or other underlying health conditions) should refrain from participation in public activities, including Mass. If they need to refrain from Sunday Mass due to these reasons, they are dispensed from the Sunday obligation. Those who are home bound may watch our weekly Sunday Mass online at adw.org/tvmass.

Should you or your family members need pastoral care during this pandemic, please feel free to contact us.

We will continue to communicate with you as this unfolds. Know that you and your family are in my prayers. Please take time to pray as a family for all those affected and for protection of your family.

For some suggested resources for prayer visit our
Mother Seton Facebook Page.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us,
God bless you,
Fr. Lee Fangmeyer, Pastor

March 12, 2020
10:07 AM

Dear Brother Priest,

I realize you are probably getting many inquiries about the impact of the coronavirus, and you have your own questions. Later today I will be sending out an e-mail to you and an Emergency Preparedness document to provide more guidelines and information. This is a very fluid and evolving situation and we are coordinating with local government entities, a health professional team, and neighboring dioceses to determine next steps.

Many people have been asking about dispensation from the Sunday obligation. At this time, we are updating our website, adw.org/coronavirus, with this guideline on the dispensation:

Anyone who is ill, suspects he or she is ill, or is considered vulnerable (people 60+ years of age or people with chronic illness, immune system deficiencies or other underlying health conditions) should refrain from participation in public activities, including Mass. If they need to refrain from Sunday Mass due to these reasons, they are dispensed from the Sunday obligation. Those who are home bound may watch our weekly Sunday Mass online at adw.org/tvmass.

This may change as we move forward. I appreciate your patience. Let us keep everyone in prayer, and please know of my prayers and support for you.With gratitude for your priestly service,

I am Sincerely in Christ,
Reverend Daniel B. Carson
Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia
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